Um documento da CIA, da unidade Red Cell, foi vazado na Wikileaks – Não é propriamente revelador, mas é totalmente confirmador de algo sempre sabido e sempre negado. Os EUA são a origem de muita atividade terrorista e, para consumo interno das altas esferas, trata do assunto com todos os nomes, sem a hipocrisia usual do discurso para o público geral.

Diz o documento, entre outras coisas, que “… ao contrário do senso comum, a exportação americano de terrorismo ou terroristas não é um fenômeno recente, e nem tem sido associado unicamente a radicais islâmicos ou pessoas de origens étnicas do Oriente Médio, África ou Sul da Ásia.”

Segue, nesta deliciosa linguagem direta que eles usam entre si: “… esta dinâmica desmente a crença americana de que nossa sociedade multicultural livre, aberta e integrada diminui o fascínio dos cidadãos americanos pelo radicalismo e pelo terrorismo.”

Fatos relatados no documento, sem as precariedades de uma tradução livre:

In November 2008, Pakistani-American David Headley conducted surveillance in
support of the Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) attack in Mumbai, India that killed more than
160 people. LT induced him to change his name from Daood Gilani to David Headley
to facilitate his movement between the US, Pakistan, and India.

– Some American Jews have supported and even engaged in violent acts against
perceived enemies of Israel. In 1994, Baruch Goldstein, an American Jewish doctor
from New York, emigrated to Israel, joined the extremist group Kach, and killed 29
Palestinians during their prayers in the mosque at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in
Hebron which helped to trigger a wave of bus bombings by HAMAS in early 1995.

–  Some Irish-Americans have long provided financial and material support for violent
efforts to compel the United Kingdom to relinquish control of Northern Ireland. In the
1880s, Irish-American members of Clan na Gael dynamited Britain’s Scotland Yard,
Parliament, and the Tower of London, and detonated bombs at several stations in
the London underground.In the twentieth century, Irish-Americans provided most of
the financial support sent to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). The US-based Irish
Northern Aid Committee (NORAID), founded in the late 1960s, provided the
Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) with money that was frequently used for
arms purchases. Only after repeated high-level British requests and then London’s
support for our bombing of Libya in the 1980s did the US Government crack down on
Irish-American support for the IRA.